Proactive leadership in shaping the company’s corporate governance, reporting, infrastructure and strategy to ensure a disciplined operating model and profitable growth.
Read MoreExecutes buy and sell-side M&A strategies in an efficient and knowledgeable manner, as supported by insightful due diligence, advanced preparation, a laser focus on valuation and risk and a well-coordinated approach to merger integration and carve-outs.
Buy-Side Sell-SideProvides swift, decisive leadership and hands-on support to restore performance, value and credibility with stakeholders.
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June 22, 2019
"Despite what the experts say, valuing a business is a blend of science and art. Valuations can be relatively objective when dealing with validated profit numbers but are highly subjective when arguing a multiple. Below are pointers on how to sell your business well first time and justify a higher multiple." Read More
David Farrell