LBC Credit Partners

Due diligence on technology government contractor ($61M of revenue)

LBC Credit Partners

Lending due diligence twice on Vistronix, government contractor

BAE Systems

Due diligence of a IT government contractor

BAE Systems

Due diligence of United Defense ($4B of revenue)

Private Company (Confidential)

Due diligence on two technology government contractors

Arlington Capital Partners

Due diligence of a carve-out, distressed international homeland security company ($140M of revenue)

The Gores Group

Due diligence on a provider of complex security solutions government contractor

The Gores Group

Due diligence on CompuDyne, a listed government contractor ($150M of revenue)


Due diligence on government contractor that provides expositions and conferences for the DoD, Civilian Agencies and prime contractors

Preferred Systems Solutions

Due diligence on Government Contract Solutions, Inc.

Non-Profit (Confidential)

Due diligence on a distressed international government contractor ($370M of revenue)


Business diagnostic review of distressed human services case management licensing government contractor ($70M of revenue)

Private Company (Confidential)

Due diligence on cyber security government contractor

Private Company (Confidential)

Due diligence on a space surveillance technology company

Private Company (Confidential)

Due diligence on a cyber, software, information assurance and engineering government contracting technology company

Disclaimer Note: Certain transactions listed above were effective by principals of Farrell Advisory prior to the date they joined the firm

June 22, 2019

"Despite what the experts say, valuing a business is a blend of science and art. Valuations can be relatively objective when dealing with validated profit numbers but are highly subjective when arguing a multiple. Below are pointers on how to sell your business well first time and justify a higher multiple." Read More