Due diligence on 2 community-based home respiratory products and healthcare services companies
Due diligence for buyer of home based healthcare franchise
Due diligence on operator of opioid treatment clinics
Due Diligence of Autism Centers of Michigan, applied behavioral healthcare Medicaid multi-side businesses
Due Diligence of World Evolve. and WeTherapy, applied behavioral healthcare Medicaid multi-side businesses
Due diligence on non-emergency ambulance services
Disclaimer Note: Certain transactions listed above were effective by principals of Farrell Advisory prior to the date they joined the firm
June 22, 2019
"Despite what the experts say, valuing a business is a blend of science and art. Valuations can be relatively objective when dealing with validated profit numbers but are highly subjective when arguing a multiple. Below are pointers on how to sell your business well first time and justify a higher multiple." Read More
David Farrell